Preparations are in full swing under the leadership of the Uttar Pradesh CM Yogi Adityanath for the upcoming Prayagraj Mahakumbh in 2025. The grand event, to begin on January 13, 2025, promises to be a landmark occasion, called the ‘Green Kumbh’ for its environmentally conscious approach. The apex committee constituted under the chairmanship of the Chief Secretary has held 13 meetings so far. Key developments include an expanded fair area of 4,000 hectares, enhanced facilities, and improved infrastructure.
New parking lots will accommodate over 5 lakh vehicles, while additional circuit houses and pontoon bridges will be constructed. The Mahakumbh will also feature a concrete VIP ghat and a pucca ghat at Dashashwamedh. A 13-km riverfront and numerous flyovers are under construction to ease traffic congestion.
The government aims to make the Kumbh Mela polythene-free, planting 3 lakh saplings and committing to their preservation. The efforts are part of a broader Rs 5,154 crore plan that includes 327 approved projects and 75 ongoing departmental projects, with a completion target set for October 2024.
The ganga is a life supporting system and it's well being will determine quality of life of millions of people living along places along its bank. The conflicting intersts of modern society is responsible for its pollution and other ecological problems.The Ganges provides countless benifits to us ranging from food to salvation. It is duty of everyone of protect this National river of India. Well being of the Ganga is an absolute indicator of environmental well being of India. |